Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Etsy Favorites: Playful Jewelry

One of my favorite things about Etsy is that you never know what you're going to happen across. It may take a lot of digging, but once you come across something unique and handmade, it becomes completely worth it. Most of these little baubles look like they came straight out of Anthropolgie. This month's picks from Etsy are my personal favorite, jewelry. Next month, I'm thinking paper goods!

Necklaces: 1//2//3//4
Bracelets: 1//2
Earrings: 1//2


  1. I'm loving both sets of bracelets!! I love great etsy finds!

  2. LOVING these jewelry finds! I haven't spent much time exploring etsy but obviously I need to! Loving the blue knotted rope necklace :)

  3. Thank you so much for including my necklace in this lovely round-up! Now to check out those great stores ;)


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