Friday, July 20, 2012

Photo Diary // Early Days

Sometimes, it's nice to sit back, look back, and remember a time when all we really worried about was sharing our Barbies and how to get out of the daily dreaded afternoon nap. I know I always wanted to grow up (and still do), but there's something to be said about being carefree. It may be less gratifying, but sometimes it's hard not to envious of my former little self.

All of that being said, I'm definitely a bit envious of these little gals! I can only wish I was this fashionable growing up. Unfortunately, the 90's gifted me a few too many striped turtleneck and leggings sets, complete with jumpers matching my little sister's. On second thought, maybe I am glad to be older.

Sources: Pink//Rain//Ballet//Blindfolded//Gray//Twins//Diner//Florals//Stripes

Thursday, July 19, 2012

List of Online Magazines

Online magazines are a dime a dozen these days and I can hardly complain. Not only do I get to read my printed subscriptions every month (Elle and Marie Claire are favorites), but I also get to peruse through the online metaphorical newsstand, complete with click-through product links that are equally exciting and dangerous for me (read: big spender).

Over the past few months I have been bookmarking every single online magazine I've come across and have amassed quite a list of some truly entertaining reads. I love flipping through so many different ranges of writing and features- such pretty inspiration for just about everything, including a new favorite in graphic design (which, by the way, how are you liking the new graphics this week?).

I hope you have nothing to do for the rest of the day. Have at it!

Current Reads
Matchbook- My absolute favorite, with plenty of Kate Spade and great features.
Rue- A little bit of everything.
Lonny- For those who mourned the end of Domino a few years back, here is your replacement. Primarily home with style and other lifestyle tidbits peppered in.
House of Fifty- Classic and luxurious design with a twist, travel & lifestyle.
Adore Home- All around lifestyle with fun features and pretty graphics.
Sister Mag- Based in Germany (although in English- I'm not that multilingual), and a bit like stepping into the simpler sister version of Anthropologie.
Verily- Fashion, culture, advice & more. A teaser is available free while a subscription is $30 per year.
Sweet Lemon- Has a lot of articles with whimsical pastel graphics and relatable cover girls.

New Favorites 
EST- Based in Australia, simplistic clean lines meet classic interior style.
Styled- Features beautiful and whimsical DIY and pretty home entertaining ideas.
Trad Home- Just like it sounds, and a lot of great contributors.
Covet Garden- Short and sweet, with a slightly eclectic design and some fun recipes.
Ivy and Piper- Beautiful colored spaces with a mix of style at the end. I only wish it were longer!
Llamas' Valley- Simple and paired down design and living with somewhat of a rustic feel.
Roco- Plenty of features from industry pros and pretty pastels.
Standard- Plenty of outdoor and indoor interior decorating ideas- mostly photos.

High Gloss- Pretty homes + style + travel. They haven't updated in a while, but worth a look through the archives.
Docica- Focuses in on true beauty, style, home & culture.
Dabble- Hones in on design, travel, and food.
Sweet Paul- Simple design meets lovely places and deliciously fresh looking recipes. With some DIY and entertaining.
This Girl Means Business- All about being a woman in the business and entrepreneurial world.
Poppy- Fashion, beauty, hostessing and more for the twenty-something gal.
Dashing- A colorful take on the world of twenty-somethings.
Grays Lane- For the Anglophile- classic anything and everything.
Society Social Manifesto Magalog- Half magazine/half catalog for the party-hostess website Society Social.

Style Me Pretty- All sorts of features and beautiful shoots for helping a bride plan her wedding (or just hopefuls like me).
Pure Green- For those who want to live a stylish green lifestyle- food, DIY, fashion and travel.
Small Magazine- For parents on how to raise a stylish child (seriously, too cute).
Paper Runway- Paper meets art meets graphic design.

Let me know if there are any I missed!

Updated List:
Heart Home
91 Magazine
What Liberty Ate
Made With Butter

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

For the Love Of // Neon

I always tend to lean toward the more conservative side of trends and actually have not really picked up the neon movement yet. After doing a bit of research for this post, I'm not sure why. I have such "classic" dressing tendencies, always stocking up on J Crew, silk blouses and Tory flats. But what do you know- the 80's rave-like staple color can even be given a classic twist. So, let's turn to my favorite fashion bloggers for a little lesson in perfecting the pop of neon.

Yes, a lot of pink, J Crew, and Kate Spade. I can hardly apologize for that!

Credits: Top; Atlantic-Pacific//The Pink Peonies//Viva Luxury//Brooklyn Blonde//quote//Atlantic-Pacific//The Blonde Salad//Atlantic-Pacific//Kendi Everyday